The University of Washington has graciously offered to sponsor our next dinner event! Our speakers and topics will be the following:
Yoky Matsuoka
Topic: Understanding human movements
Neurobotics is a new field that lies at the intersection of Robotics and Neuroscience. In Neurobotics, robotic models and environments are used to understand the neuromuscular control and biomechanics of human limbs.
In parallel, robotic systems are developed to augment, replace and rehabilitate damaged sensorimotor functions. In this talk, a girl geek will talk about using a robotic tool to understand human level dexterity.
Magda Balazinska
Topic: handling humongous amounts of sensor-originating scientific data.
Our dinner will be held in located in the Paul G. Allen Center for Computer Science & Engineering. Directions to campus (and the building) may be found here:
Date: December 3rd, 2009
Time: 6pm-8pm
Location: University of Washington, Paul G. Allen Center for Computer Science & Engineering. The dinner will be in the atrium.
Sign up at our EventBrite event page!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Liz and Stevi
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