Dinner #29 on May 15, 2014

Once again, you have forgotten your best friend’s address and you need to get her a birthday card.  What’s a girl to do?  WhitePages to the rescue!  WhitePages is the leading provider of contact information in North America, with a top 40 web property, 10 top ranking mobile apps and over 50 million monthly users.  We ingest billions of records every month from a variety of public sources to help you find the people you need to reach.  WhitePages’ CEO, Scott Sikora, will discuss how we take that data and organize it into a comprehensive contact graph to help you find the information you need faster.  Join us for an enlightening discussion on how we use big data to transform the way people connect.

Eventbrite - Seattle Girl Geek Dinner #29


WhitePages HQ

Rainier Tower

1301 5th Ave Ste 1600

Seattle, WA  98101

Doors on the East (5th Ave) entrance are locked after 6pm.  Please use the West (4th Ave) entrance for access to the building after 6pm. The elevators will be unlocked for floor 16 only after 6pm.


Parking is available in our building and is valet only.  Cost is $12.00 for 1-2 hours, $16 for 2-3 hours and $20 for 3-4 hours.  $8.00 after 6pm.  Enter on Union between 4th & 5th)  Additional parking can be found in the Hilton Parking Garage.  Cost is $6.00 after 5pm.  Enter on 6th Ave between University and Union.  There is also street parking available – pay until 8pm.  Parking will not be validated.


6:00pm – 6:45pm Networking/Dinner

6:45pm – 7:25pm Presentation

7:25pm – 8:00pm Networking/Dessert


Scott Sikora - Before becoming WhitePages’ technology leader, Scott was co-founder and CTO of Varolii, a provider of proactive customer communication to Fortune 100 companies, where he grew the company to over 275 employees. He also helped develop technology solutions at UPS, IBM, Amway and Sprint. Scott holds a BS and MS in Computer Science from MIT. Scott is WhitePages’ executive sponsor for increasing diversity on our engineering team.

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