Our December 4 Holiday Girl Geek Dinner is almost here!
We’re excited to have Margaret Cobb as our speaker.
Margaret Cobb, Director of Internet Explorer Consumer Product Management
Margaret Cobb is a wife, mother, sister, daughter and Director of Internet Explorer Consumer Product Management. She’s been at Microsoft for over 13 years in various functions including Xbox LIVE Product Management. The last few years at Microsoft she’s spent understanding female consumer audience trends. Specifically, how much money do women control and spend and where do they spend it? As marketers what can we do to capture the interest and buying power of women worldwide? Margaret is a graduate of Michigan Tech University where she earned her degree in Mechanical Engineering. It was working as an engineer that she realized that many of the latest innovations in technology just didn’t resonate with the average female. For over 20 years she’s been working to demystify technology and capture the interest of female consumers.
It looks like we’re going to have a great turnout for this dinner, and we hope to see you there, too! Don’t forget to let us know you’re coming by registering for this dinner at Eventbrite!
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